Gulp!® Saltwater Fat Sandworm

SKU 1562564


The Hollow Sand Worm is the most life-like worm imitation you will ever thread onto a hook. Its hollow body design creates a super soft feel and a fluid action that no fish will be able to resist. With hundreds of micro legs surrounding the outside of the bait, the Hollow Sand Worm looks natural as it distributes subtle vibrations into the water, forcing fish into thinking it’s real. The hollow body construction also means this lure collapses upon a predator’s strike, allowing for guaranteed hook ups and a natural feel within the mouth of the fish. Combine this with the irresistible Gulp!® scented formula and you are ready to target any fish that eats a worm, from beach to estuary environments. The Hollow Sand Worm is available in a mixture of exciting colours to ensure you have the right bait for whatever type of environment you choose to fish in.

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  • The most life-like imitation of a sandworm on the market
  • Hollow body makes for easy threading and gives a natural feel
  • A must-have from boat and shore
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