The right line can be the difference between catching a bucketload of fish and coming home empty-handed.
Some anglers think line is boring. Nothing to get too excited about. But the right line can be the difference between catching a bucketload of fish and coming home empty-handed. The truth of the matter is that line is extremely interesting, especially to the scientists at Berkley. They put enormous amounts of time and energy into engineering the perfect line for every water condition, every species, and every type of fishing technique. Discover the best line for your fishing needs and let our science help you catch more fish.
Berkley Science and Why it Matters.
It starts with research & development in our labs at our Berkley headquarters in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Here we can test our new line tech and prototypes directly on the species we’re fishing for to see how it performs with various rigs & baits.
In fact, we design, engineer, and manufacture all of our line in the same building where our scientists are working diligently to develop the most advanced fishing gear in the world.
Then we take it to the water. We test our theories in real world conditions, with real fishermen. Our Production and R&D teams work extremely close allowing us flexibility & control through production to ensure the our lines work as designed, and as intended.
Berkley Line Resources, Tips & Techniques

Discover the Right Line For You
Every fishing condition is different and requires a different type of line. Check out the science behind Berkley's freshwater lines and how to choose the ideal line for your next trip on the water.
All purpose, forgiving and easy to handle fishing line
Easy to tie knots with good strength
High stretch, forgiving line – optimal when fighting big fish
Neutral buoyancy so it floats; optimal for fishing topwater baits & spinner baits
Recommended Gear
Spinning Reels
Casting Reels
Best Bets
All around most manageable Berkley line. Offers easy casting and knot tying.
Combines the manageability of Monofilament with the abrasion resistance of Fluorocarbon
Nearly invisible making it less visible to fish
Nearly neutral buoyancy - ideal for fishing crankbaits & dropshot rigs
Recommended Gear
Spinning Reels
Casting Reels
Best Bets
All around most manageable Berkley line. Offers easy casting and knot tying.
Nearly invisible line making it virtually less visible to fish
More sensitive than monofilament; great for dropshot rigs & fishing jerkbaits
More abrasion resistant than monofilament for shallow cranking around timber and cover
Naturally sinking line, maintains direct contact with bait for enhanced sensitivity and feel - optimal for flipping a jig
Recommended Gear
Spinning Reels
Casting Reels
Best Bets
Highest abrasion resistant Berkley Fluorocarbon. Ideal for fishing in heavy cover due to high abrasion resistance. Made with 100% Fluorocarbon ensuring near invisibility under water and sensitivity.

Trilene Big Game Fluorocarbon Leader
Ideal for making leaders for both fresh and salt water predators, protecting your main line from being cut.
3x stronger compared to the same diameter monofilament and fluorocarbon lines
Toughness making it ideal for fishing heavy cover
Highly sensitive with near zero stretch – optimal for vertical jigging
Virtually no line memory(coil) for long casts with buzzbaits & swimbaits
Ideal for making long casts to cover more water
Recommended Gear
Spinning Reels
Up to 30# Test
Casting Reels
20# Test & Higher
Best Bets
Berkley’s strongest conventional braid. The 5-carrier construction offers great combination of casting, toughness, manageability, and sensitivity.
Berkley’s smoothest and long-casting braid. The 9-carrier construction of Berkley x9 allows for great blend of toughness, manageability, sensitivity, and strength.
Strongest line per diameter and exceptional toughness – ideal for fishing the heaviest of cover
Fused technology resists frays and picks – it is 4x more abrasion resistant than conventional braids
Highly sensitive with near zero stretch – optimal for vertical jigging
Recommended Gear
Spinning Reels
Up to 14# Test
Casting Reels
14# Test & Higher
Best Bets
Most abrasion resistant line in its class. Berkley FireLine Ultra 8 constructed in a fusing process so it resists picks and frays in tough conditions. Low Diameter -- better casting